Cub Scout Pack 694 Crossover
ChapterhouseNo MD DNR Fishing License Required
Large Pond 20601 Izaak Walton Way, Poolesville, MD, United StatesMark Your Calendar for Free Fishing Days License-free fishing days are almost here !!! Fish Maryland's tidal and nontidal waters without a license on June 1, June 8, and July 4...
Chapterhouse Cleanup (Closed 9am-Noon)
ChapterhouseChapterhouse Cleanup: I will be there early to make coffee at 8:30am(-ish) Bring your own mug (BYOM) !!! B-CC Member, the chapterhouse will be closed in the morning for its monthly cleaning...
B-CC IWLA Swap Meet, Silent Auction and R&P Fun Shoot
ChapterhouseSwap Meet & Silent Auction If you have anything outdoors related and ... would like a table for the Father’s Day swap meet or to donate an item for the...
Battleship Fun Shoot (10am – 1pm) at R&P
R&P Range 20601 Izaak Walton Way, Poolesville, MD, United StatesBattleship Fun Shoot (10am - 1pm) Battleship Fun Shoot from 10am to 1 pm! Bring your favorite .22LR rifle or pistol with iron sights or borrow one of our Scout...
Scout Court of Honor
ChapterhouseChapterhouse Cleanup (Closed 9am-Noon)
ChapterhouseChapterhouse Cleanup: B-CC Member, the chapterhouse will be closed in the morning for its monthly cleaning & dusting just in time for the following Wednesday's dinner meeting. Those who want to...
Fathers Day
20601 Izaak Walton Way, Poolesville, MD, United StatesJuneteenth
ChapterhouseMonthly Membership / Dinner Meeting
ChapterhouseDinner is usually served: 6:15pm - 6:30pm Membership meeting starts: 7:30pm Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chapter of the IWLA Monthly Membership Meeting Time: 3rd Wednesday of each Month @ 07:30pm Eastern Dinner...