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The Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chapter of the IWLA maintains an outstanding archery facility, including an outdoor field range with fixed targets, 3D course(s) through our Archery Woods, a youth program, instruction, and our signature Apollo Archery initiative for the military and veteran community.


Our large outdoor field range is set up with four fixed bag targets set at 20, 30, 40, and 50 yards, plus a bison 3D target set at 80 yards. The 20-yard and 30-yard fixed targets also include boards for sighting-in broadheads.

NOTE: Only use field points on bag targets and foam animals.  Broadheads and crossbows can be used only on the “Broadhead” targets at 20 and 30 yds

Each target distance contains two target bags, fixed shooting positions, bow hangars, and arrow holders.


From mid-Spring through late-Summer, we open our 3D course(s) through the Archery Woods. The courses are generally open for members and the public to shoot (small fee) on weekends. B-CC Archery Range Officers may shoot during any daylight hours (no fee).

Click HERE to for the schedule and for virtual tours of the courses!


The B-CC IWLA Archery program includes many USA Archery-certified instructors and Range Officers who are ready and willing to help with instruction for new archers. We also have youth archery equipment available for kids to use – just ask any Range Officer for assistance.

Click HERE to for the schedule more information!

Click HERE to for the Archery is for Everyone program!


Our Apollo Archery Program provides archery instruction and experiences to current and former military members. See program details and schedule CLICK HERE.


We have compiled an Archery Events calendar as a service to our community. It provides an easy reference for events in Central Maryland, Southern Pennsylvania, and Northern Virginia. This calendar includes 3D, competition, and other archery events within a 2-hour drive from the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chapter of the IWLA in Poolesville, Maryland. CLICK HERE to view and subscribe.


1) Be aware of your situation and surroundings at all times. Coordinate your activities with other shooters. Communicate for safety.

2) Do not shoot when there is someone within 45 degrees of your shooting line to the bag. Gardeners are sometimes too close. Wait for them or move to the longer-range bags.

3) Do not approach target bags until all others have stopped shooting regardless of what target they are using.

4) Shoot from behind the gravel line. If you are alone on the range, you may advance closer to the target if necessary. As soon as another archer is present, you must move back to the standard shooting line.

5) No running with arrows or other equipment.

6) Keep track of your arrows. Be considerate of others waiting when searching for arrows.

7) Do not abuse club equipment.


Address: 20601 Izaak Walton Way; Poolesville, MD 20837

Google Maps LINK HERE.

After turning onto Izaak Walton Way, drive past the large field and across a small bridge, then look for the “Archery Range” sign on your right. See map below.


Subscribe to the Archery Committee message list by clicking HERE.

For questions or additional information, send us an email by clicking HERE.

Come out and join us for some great fun!


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