Campsite Reservations


Reservations are available to chapter members and scout troops only. Non-members cannot reserve a campsite.

Reservations can be made for one, two or all three camping areas for up to seven days. If the entire campground is reserved, a small donation is requested to help in campground maintenance. Otherwise, there is no charge for individual campsites. Reservations are requested below. The calendar indicates campsite availability. The campground is closed during muzzle loader and shotgun deer hunting seasons and during turkey hunting season. If you are camping and your group does not have a BCC-IWLA member with a key to the gate, you will receive a lock combination that will open the campground gate. If you have further questions, contact the Campsite Chair Jack Kang at [email protected] or Head of Campsite Reservations Gerard Mulford at [email protected]

After submitting your reservation request, you MUST email Gerard Mulford at [email protected] with an image of your current membership card or your reservation will not be approved.  I do not receive an automatic email notifying me that a reservation request has been submitted.

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