NAVHDA Fall Test
ChapterhouseUse of Dog Training Fields for both days Use of both ponds for both days Use of the clubhouse both days for bathroom facilities Use of the clubhouse Saturday September...
Troop 496 Meeting in Chapter House
ChapterhouseTroop 496 Meeting: Chapter House Leader: Jon Kasner
Troop 2027 Meeting in Board Room (Chapter House)
ChapterhouseTroop 2027: Meet in Main Board Room Leader: Zoe Welsh
Board of Governors Meeting (7:00pm-10pm+)
ChapterhouseAttendance at Board of Governors (BoG) meetings is required for chapter officers and board members BoG meetings are also open to chapter members in good standing (current annual dues are...
Next Month’s Newsletter Articles Due
Offsite MD, United StatesNewsletter articles are due to the chapter's Corresponding Secretary Submit as MS Word or text files by the end of today to Janet Lamkin at: [email protected] If your article contains...
National Hunting & Fishing Day
20601 Izaak Walton Way, Poolesville, MD, United StatesBlack Powder Day / Muzzleloader Event 2024
ChapterhouseDid you receive a blackpowder firearm as a gift or inherited one and don’t know what to do with it? Are you ready to test your skills against others in...
Troop 496 Meeting in Chapter House
ChapterhouseTroop 496 Meeting: Chapter House Leader: Jon Kasner
Troop 2027 Meeting in Board Room (Chapter House)
ChapterhouseTroop 2027: Meet in Main Board Room Leader: Zoe Welsh
Apollo Archery
Archery Range / Gardens / Greenhouse 20601 Izaak Walton Way, Poolesville, MD, United StatesArchery instruction and experiences for current and former members of the United States Armed Services and their families. Instruction provided for novice participants. Adaptive archery for wounded warriors, disabled veterans,...