Christmas Bird Count
ChapterhouseChristmas Bird Count - Montgomery Bird Club Need Chapter House - 6:30am - 8:00am and 10:30am - 12:00 noon Guests are welcome to attend.
ChapterhouseAdopt-A-Road Cleanup meet at 8:15 am in the Chapter House Parking Lot
Next Month’s Newsletter Articles Due
Offsite MD, United StatesNewsletter articles are due to the chapter's Corresponding Secretary Submit as MS Word or text files by the end of today to Janet Lamkin at: Newsletter.BCC.IWLA@gmail.com If your article contains...
Conservation Speakers Dinner (6:30pm-10pm)
ChapterhouseWe are extremely pleased to host Bill Heavey as this year’s speaker. Bill Heavey is a columnist for "Field & Stream" and author of books such as: "If You Didn't...
Spring Family Campout (Chapterhouse Grounds)
ChapterhouseThis is a great time to spend time with your immediate family and to meet some of the chapter family of B-CC IWLA members, spouses, and kids. Events will start...
Next Month’s Newsletter Articles Due
Offsite MD, United StatesNewsletter articles are due to the chapter's Corresponding Secretary Submit as MS Word or text files by the end of today to Janet Lamkin at: Newsletter.BCC.IWLA@gmail.com If your article contains...
Next Month’s Newsletter Articles Due
Offsite MD, United StatesNewsletter articles are due to the chapter's Corresponding Secretary Submit as MS Word or text files by the end of today to Janet Lamkin at: Newsletter.BCC.IWLA@gmail.com If your article contains...
Next Month’s Newsletter Articles Due
Offsite MD, United StatesNewsletter articles are due to the chapter's Corresponding Secretary Submit as MS Word or text files by the end of today to Janet Lamkin at: Newsletter.BCC.IWLA@gmail.com If your article contains...
Next Month’s Newsletter Articles Due
Offsite MD, United StatesNewsletter articles are due to the chapter's Corresponding Secretary Submit as MS Word or text files by the end of today to Janet Lamkin at: Newsletter.BCC.IWLA@gmail.com If your article contains...
Next Month’s Newsletter Articles Due
Offsite MD, United StatesNewsletter articles are due to the chapter's Corresponding Secretary Submit as MS Word or text files by the end of today to Janet Lamkin at: Newsletter.BCC.IWLA@gmail.com If your article contains...