Ponds & Streams

The Izaak Walton League pledge begins: “To strive for the purity of water…”

In order to advance this part of our conservation mission, our Ponds & Streams committee maintains two ponds and several streams on the property.

Members are encouraged to fish the ponds, which are stocked. Fishing is “catch-and-release,” and please log all catches in the logbook by the Big Pond.

The Small Pond is located between the Chapter House and the Log Cabin. It is primarily used to teach children how to fish.

The Small Pond

The Big Pond, which is located in the West Woods, just through the Pine Cathedral, is over two acres large.

The Big Pond
BCC-IWLA’s ponds help maintain the Conservation Farm’s ecosystem.

There is a brand-new picnic pavilion at the edge of the Big Pond for anglers and their families.

The Pavilion

The Ponds & Streams committee ensures the health of our wetlands. They organize our chapter’s Save Our Streams program, which aims to monitor over 100,000 streams in the United States.

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