Chapter Entrance (spring)


Conservation is our mission. The National IWLA pledge is “To strive for the purity of water, the clarity of the air, and the wise stewardship of the land and its resources; to know the beauty and understanding of nature, and the value of wildlife, woodlands and open space; to the preservation of this heritage and to man’s sharing in it.  I pledge myself as a member of the Izaak Walton League of America.” The BCC-IWLA Chapter upholds these values by engaging in sustainable farming, forestry, wildlife management, and environmental education.

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Conservation and Education are the primary focus of the BCC-IWLA’s mission. Whether it’s taking local Global Ecology students for an educational tour, educating new hunters, or even training prospective beekeepers, education is an integral part of our chapter. We partner with all levels of educational institutions to support research and learning.

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Great Outdoors

We love the outdoors. Whether it’s shooting targets at the range, fishing in the pond, hunting in the fields, camping in the woods, hiking trails, or even cutting down our own Christmas trees, BCC-IWLA has opportunities for everyone looking to get outside. We are conveniently located 30 minutes from D.C. in Poolesville, MD.

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