Membership Renewal

Member Info

Welcome to a new year at the Bethesda–Chevy Chase Chapter of the IWLA !

By renewing your membership, you are re-affirming your commitment to the conservation of wildlife, woodlands and open space on our 624-acre conservation farm nestled in the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve, a truly special place to enjoy the great outdoors. We are blessed with a diverse array of interests such as archaeology and bird watching, offering numerous activities to re-engage with old friends and meet new people.

Know that your renewal will continue to support our educational activities. Our farm is leading the way in soil conservation and no-till farming for soil conditioning and wildlife consumption. We are now a Germplasm Preservation Orchard in under the MD -The American Chestnut Foundation; studying our streams and ponds’ biodiversity and its impact on our fish population; funding high school scholarships in the nationally-recognized PHS Global Ecology Program. Our BSA America, Girl Scouts, USA, and Cub Scouting units are thriving.

Congratulations! Your renewal will reaffirm the need for our farm to help blunt the ever-present pressure of increasing urban development. Hike along our trails through fields and forests and ENJOY our open spaces.

Andy Wight
2024–2025 B-CC IWLA Chapter President



Payment Method

You are donating to : Izaak Walton Bethesda League

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
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Last Name *
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