Get Ready for Hunting Season!
Larry Anderson, Committee Chair
240 246-5302 [email protected]
The 2021-2022 hunting season is almost upon us, with several seasons opening the first week of September, notably Dove season on Wednesday, September 1st, and Deer archery season on Friday, September 10th. All chapter members wishing to hunt on our farm must:
1) Have a valid MD hunting license (including all necessary stamps, i.e. H IP stamp for doves)
2) Have a current and valid B-CC IWLA membership card as proof of permission to hunt on private land
3) Have a current and valid parking sticker displayed on their vehicle
4) Register on our website to acknowledge understanding our rules and property boundaries. This is a yearly requirement.
We are a large chapter with many hunters and non-hunters that all enjoy a day in the field, so we ask that every- one be safe, courteous, and respectful in their activities on our farm. We adhere to and endorse MD DNR hunting regulations and policies. The MD hunting regulations can be found at: hunting/ , and can be downloaded from our website. Again, there are not many changes to the MD DNR hunting regulations this year from last. The bag limit remains at 2 antlered deer per year across all hunting seasons (archery, muzzleloader, and firearm) and only one of those deer may have fewer than 3 points on one antler. In region B (our farm is in Region B), hunters may purchase a bonus antlered deer stamp that allows harvest on 1 (one) additional antlered deer. The bag limit of antlerless deer is now unlimited for archery seasons (we are in the Suburban Deer Management Zone), 10 for muzzleloader seasons, and 10 for shotgun seasons.
Please report any sightings of bears on our farm to the wildlife committee; we have had sightings this year, and we like to believe our habitat is healthy enough to support an occasional bear or two. Bears in Montgomery County are protected and should not be harassed.
Happy hunting and think safety
Catch a Poacher 24 Hour Hotline 1-800-635-6124