Archery 3-D Course

Archery Range / Gardens / Greenhouse 20601 Izaak Walton Way, Poolesville, MD, United States

31 targets running over 2 courses. $7 member fee $10 non-member fee

Rain Date: Potomac District Cub Scout Summer Event


Rain Date scheduled: The Potomac District Cub Scouts will be using the chapter for a summer event for their scouts. They will be at the chapter house and at the ponds.

Dove Season Opens: Picnic at the end of the day


Opening day is Friday, September 1st, which will be here before we know it. As usual, we will be holding our annual members dove hunt with a cookout to follow. With over 27 acres of sunflowers planted this season, we are hoping for a lot of doves, so please clear this day on your calendar....

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Event Series Apollo Archery

Apollo Archery

Archery Range / Gardens / Greenhouse 20601 Izaak Walton Way, Poolesville, MD, United States

Archery instruction and experiences for current and former members of the United States Armed Services and their families.



The B-CC IWLA Adopt-A-Road team will tentatively meet at the Chapter House on Saturdays at 8:15am for cleanup on the following 2023 dates: • April 8 • July 8 • September 9 • December 9 Point of contact for Adopt-A-Road is John Robinson, 301 641-1188

R&P Range closes at 12:30pm


The R&P Range will be closed at 12:30pm for the Fall Hunter Safety class. It will reopen at 5pm for ROs.

Chapterhouse Cleanup (Building Closed until Noon)


Chapterhouse Cleanup: I will be there early to make coffee at 8:30am(-ish) Bring your own mug (BYOM) !!! B-CC Member, the chapterhouse will be closed in the morning for its monthly cleaning & dusting just in time for the following Wednesday's dinner meeting. Those who want to help the chapter put on its freshest face for the...

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You are donating to : Izaak Walton Bethesda League

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