2024 Spring Family Campout (Chapterhouse Grounds)


This is a great time to spend time with your immediate family and to meet some of the chapter family of B-CC IWLA members, spouses, and kids. Events will start Saturday afternoon and continue overnight for those camping into Sunday morning If you can't squeeze that much fun into your busy schedule, then join us...

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Chapterhouse Cleanup (Closed 9am-Noon)


Chapterhouse Cleanup: B-CC Member, the chapterhouse will be closed in the morning for its monthly cleaning & dusting just in time for the following Wednesday's dinner meeting. Those who want to help the chapter put on its freshest face for the next month, especially those who need work hours, have a golden opportunity just a few...

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Event Series Monthly Membership / Dinner Meeting

Monthly Membership / Dinner Meeting


Dinner is usually served: 6:15pm - 6:30pm Membership meeting starts: 7:30pm Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chapter of the IWLA Monthly Membership Meeting Time: 3rd Wednesday of each Month @ 07:30pm Eastern Dinner meeting logistics: Dinner is $15.00 per head (Please bring change for a $20) Dinner is generally served between 6:15 & 6:30pm The membership meeting itself...

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Friction Fire Workshop


  Learn how to build and use a bow drill fire set. Participants will also receive a Mora knife, Ferro rod, and food grilled on the fires we make. This event is free to chapter members and $50 for non-members. Individuals must be 16 or older to attend. This event will take place on the...

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