Pack 694 Den Meet – Zoe
ChapterhouseDen Meeting will be in the chapter house
Monthly Membership Meeting (6:30pm – Holiday Schedule)
ChapterhouseDinner is usually served at the chapterhouse between 6:15pm & 6:30pm Membership meeting starts: 7:30pm Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chapter of the IWLA Monthly Membership Meeting Time: 3rd Wednesday of each Month @ 07:30pm Eastern Dinner meeting logistics: Dinner is $10.00 per head (Please bring change for a $20) Dinner is generally served between 6:15 & 6:30pm The membership meeting itself begins...
Next Month’s Newsletter Articles Due
Offsite MD, United StatesNewsletter articles are due to the chapter's Corresponding Secretary Submit as MS Word or text files by the end of today to Janet Lamkin at: [email protected] If your article contains photos, please submit hem as separate files if possible
2nd Annual New Year’s Day Brunch
ChapterhouseOn Monday January 1, join your fellow members on New Year’s Day in the Chapter House for Brunch and Football! For the 2nd year, Meg O’Rourke will be cooking up a delicious brunch for all to enjoy. We will have College Bowl Games on the big TV, a waffle bar, and a wonderful selection of...
Pack 694 Den Meet (Kyle) 7pm
ChapterhousePack 694 Den Meet – Kyle Chapter House 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Chapterhouse Cleanup (Closed 9am-Noon)
ChapterhouseChapterhouse Cleanup: I will be there early to make coffee at 8:30am(-ish) Bring your own mug (BYOM) !!! B-CC Member, the chapterhouse will be closed in the morning for its monthly cleaning & dusting just in time for the following Wednesday's dinner meeting. Those who want to help the chapter put on its freshest face for the...