Cub Scouts 694 Den Mtg (6:30pm-7:30)
Chapterhouse60-minute Cub Scout den meeting
Cub Scouts 694 Den Mtg (5pm-7pm)
ChapterhouseTwo 60-minute Cub Scout den meetings back-to-back
Cub Scouts 694 Den Mtg (6:30pm-7:30)
Chapterhouse60-minute Cub Scout den meeting
Cub Scouts 694 Den Mtg (6:30pm-7:30)
Chapterhouse60-minute Cub Scout den meeting
Cub Scouts 694 Den Mtg (6:30pm-7:30)
Chapterhouse60-minute Cub Scout den meeting
Cub Scouts 694 Den Mtg (6:30pm-7:30)
Chapterhouse60-minute Cub Scout den meeting
Cub Scout Ceremony (6pm-9pm)
ChapterhouseCub Scout Pack 694 will be hosting their Crossover Ceremony in the greatroom of the chapterhouse Anyone ducking-in to use the bathrooms is asked to respect the goings on The kitchens & boardroom are CLOSED
Scouts BSA Wilderness 1st Aid (Times Listed Within)
ChapterhouseScouts will use the Chapter House to conduct their "Wilderness First Aid Training" Friday evening: 6pm - 10pm Saturday All Day:7am - 9pm Sunday All Day:7am - 9pm
Cub Scout Day Camp (Chapterhouse)
ChapterhouseThe Cub Scouts will be conducting events in the chapterhouse and around the grounds Monday-Friday Please show then the respect that they have earned
Scouts BSA Wilderness 1st Aid (Times Listed Within)
ChapterhouseScouts will use the Chapter House to conduct their "Wilderness First Aid Training" Friday evening: 6pm - 10pm Saturday All Day:7am - 9pm Sunday All Day:7am - 9pm