ChapterhouseMontgomery Bird Club conducts its annual Spring Bird Walk. Meet in the parking lot. The spring walk coincides with the chapter’s spring hunter education class, which is held in the chapter house. The Bird Club participants may use Chapter House restrooms, but otherwise will not enter the chapter house. Participants will be limited to five...
Beginning Hunter Class
ChapterhousePlanning in progress
Parker Family Event
ChapterhouseAbout 30 members of Frank Parker's family and friends have scheduled a "Family and Friends" reunion picnic at the Chapter House. (They will use picnic tables and have access to the Chapter House restrooms.)
Chapterhouse Cleanup (Closed 9am – Noon)
ChapterhouseChapterhouse Cleanup: I will be there early to make coffee at 8:30am(-ish) Bring your own mug (BYOM) !!! B-CC Member, the chapterhouse will be closed in the morning for its monthly cleaning & dusting just in time for the following Wednesday's dinner meeting. Those who want to help the chapter put on its freshest face for the...
December Newsletter Articles Due
ChapterhouseDecember newsletter articles due by COB. Send to [email protected]
Christmas Bird Count
ChapterhouseChristmas Bird Count - Montgomery Bird Club Need Chapter House - 6:30am - 8:00am and 10:30am - 12:00 noon Guests are welcome to attend.
ChapterhouseAdopt-A-Road Cleanup meet at 8:15 am in the Chapter House Parking Lot