Event Series Feeder Watch

Feeder Watch


Birdwatchers view the birdfeeders from the Chapter House windows, counting bird species seen, to gather information on bird populations at the Chapter.  Two days/week (Friday, Sat., Sun or Monday) from November 13 through March.  At least one hour on each of two days.

Event Series Feeder Watch

Feeder Watch


Birdwatchers view the birdfeeders from the Chapter House windows, counting bird species seen, to gather information on bird populations at the Chapter.  Two days/week (Friday, Sat., Sun or Monday) from November 13 through March 27, one hour on each of two days/week.

Chapterhouse Cleanup (CANCELLED)


Chapterhouse Cleanup: The special Tuesday evening Chapterhouse Cleanup this month will focus primarily on the bathrooms & table setup for the February dinner meeting I will be there early to make coffee at 5:30pm(-ish) Bring your own mug (BYOM) !!! B-CC Member, the chapterhouse will be closed in the morning for its monthly cleaning & dusting just...

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Event Series Feeder Watch

Feeder Watch


Birdwatchers view the birdfeeders from the Chapter House windows, counting bird species seen, to gather information on bird populations at the Chapter.  Two days/week (Friday, Sat., Sun or Monday) from November 13 through March.  At least one hour on each of two days.

Event Series Feeder Watch

Feeder Watch


Birdwatchers view the birdfeeders from the Chapter House windows, counting bird species seen, to gather information on bird populations at the Chapter.  Two days/week (Friday, Sat., Sun or Monday) from November 13 through March 27, one hour on each of two days/week.

Board of Governors Meeting (7:30pm)


Board of Governors meetings are required for officers and board members and open to members in good standing

Event Series Feeder Watch

Feeder Watch


Birdwatchers view the birdfeeders from the Chapter House windows, counting bird species seen, to gather information on bird populations at the Chapter.  Two days/week (Friday, Sat., Sun or Monday) from November 13 through March.  At least one hour on each of two days.

You are donating to : Izaak Walton Bethesda League

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