Cub Scouts 694 Den Mtg (6:30pm-7:30)
Chapterhouse60-minute Cub Scout den meeting
Feeder Watch
ChapterhouseBirdwatchers view the birdfeeders from the Chapter House windows, counting bird species seen, to gather information on bird populations at the Chapter. Two days/week (Friday, Sat., Sun or Monday) from November 13 through March. At least one hour on each of two days.
Feeder Watch
ChapterhouseBirdwatchers view the birdfeeders from the Chapter House windows, counting bird species seen, to gather information on bird populations at the Chapter. Two days/week (Friday, Sat., Sun or Monday) from November 13 through March 27, one hour on each of two days/week.
Special Open Meeting of the Board
ChapterhouseWe will hold a special, open meeting of the Board on Wednesday, April 13, beginning at 7:30 pm in the Chapter House, to consider the bids submitted in response to the Request for Proposals for Engineering Services Relating to the Shotgun Lead Reclamation Project announced on March 4, and any other business legally brought before...
Cub Scouts 694 Den Mtg (6:30pm-7:30)
Chapterhouse60-minute Cub Scout den meeting
Chapterhouse Cleanup (Closed 9am-Noon)
ChapterhouseChapterhouse Cleanup: I will be there early to make coffee at 8:30am(-ish) Bring your own mug (BYOM) !!! B-CC Member, the chapterhouse will be closed in the morning for its monthly cleaning & dusting just in time for the following Wednesday's dinner meeting. Those who want to help the chapter put on its freshest face for the...
New and Prospective Members Orientation Tour (10am-1pm)
ChapterhouseCome join us on the B-CC IWLA Orientation Tour! This event is open to all members (new and old) and those who are interested in membership to the chapter or just curious about what we do. This guided tour of our property will include an overview of our history and mission, our facilities, the partnerships...
Spring Family Campout (Chapterhouse Grounds)
ChapterhouseThis is a great time to spend time with your immediate family and to meet some of the chapter family of B-CC IWLA members, spouses, and kids. Events will start Saturday afternoon and continue overnight for those camping into Sunday morning If you can't squeeze that much fun into your busy schedule, then join us...
Cub Scouts 694 Den Mtg (6:30pm-7:30)
Chapterhouse60-minute Cub Scout den meeting
Spring Hunter Education Course
ChapterhouseSpring Hunters' Education Course B-CC IWLA Hunter Safety Education instructors will be using the entire chapterhouse all weekend to teach their annual spring class Bathrooms will be open, and members are asked to enter the chapterhouse respectfully when accessing them The greatroom of the chapterhouse, the boardroom, the cardroom, and both kitchens will be occupied...