New-Member Orientation Tour (10am-1pm)


Come join us on the New Member Orientation Tour! This is the fastest way for new members to get their gate access and membership cards if they didn't get them the night that they were initiated If you intend to pay your new-member fees, please make sure to arrive between 9 & 9:30am

Spring Hunter Education Course


Spring  Hunters' Education Course B-CC IWLA Hunter Safety Education instructors will be using the entire chapterhouse all weekend to teach their annual spring class Bathrooms will be open, and members are asked to enter the chapterhouse respectfully when accessing them The greatroom of the chapterhouse, the boardroom, the cardroom, and both kitchens will be occupied...

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New-Member Orientation Tour (10am-1pm)


Come join us on the New Member Orientation Tour! This is the fastest way for new members to get their gate access and membership cards if they didn't get them the night that they were initiated If you intend to pay your new-member fees, please make sure to arrive between 9 & 9:30am

New-Member Orientation Tour (10am-1pm)


Come join us on the New Member Orientation Tour! This is the fastest way for new members to get their gate access and membership cards if they didn't get them the night that they were initiated If you intend to pay your new-member fees, please make sure to arrive between 9 & 9:30am

New-Member Orientation Tour (10am-1pm)


Come join us on the New Member Orientation Tour! This is the fastest way for new members to get their gate access and membership cards if they didn't get them the night that they were initiated If you intend to pay your new-member fees, please make sure to arrive between 9 & 9:30am

You are donating to : Izaak Walton Bethesda League

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