Chapter Bylaws of the B-CC IWLA

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Article I – Name
The name of the organization shall be “Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chapter Izaak Walton
League of America, Inc.” as set forth in the Certificate of Incorporation received and
approved by the Department of Assessments and Taxation of the State of Maryland
October 3, 1973, which is hereby made a part of these By-Laws. (Amended February 16,
Article II – Objectives
The objectives of this organization to which all members shall subscribe are as follows:
Section 1. Encouragement of a universal and adequate appreciation of America’s soil,
woods, waters, air, and wildlife. (Amended February 16, 1977)
Section 2. Development of greater opportunities for outdoor recreation as essential in the
up building of character and physique
Section 3. Eradication of pollution from all waters to safeguard public health and conserve
natural resources.
Section 4. Protection and extension of forests, and reforestation of waste and
unproductive lands.
Section 5. Restoration of areas unwisely drained for agricultural purposes, and opposition
to indiscriminate drainage without public benefits.
Section 6. Better protection for wildlife resources, and the establishment of refuges for
game, fish, and wild birds.
Section 7. Establishment and operation of fish hatcheries to supplement the natural
supply of fish. (Adopted August 16, 1972)
Section 8. More biological experiment stations to investigate conservation problems and
to train workers for the conservation field.
Section 9. Restriction of the sale and interstate shipment of game and game fishes except
under license.
Section 10. Strict enforcement of all conservation laws, respect for the property of others
and strenuous opposition to unsportsmanlike practices.
Section 11. The teaching of nature study and the principles of conservation sentiment.
Section 12. Cooperation with all public officials, organizations, and individuals in accord
with the objectives of the Izaak Walton League of America.

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